Friday, May 20, 2011


Once I heard I was student teaching at Martin Elementary & moving home, Mom immediately thought about where I was going to sleep.

See, once me & my 19 year-old sister moved to college, the twins moved into our rooms upstairs. Their room became my older sister's room. So, I was currently without a place to sleep. 
Whenever I came home on the weekends I usually slept in one of two guest rooms or bunked with the twins. 

Mom called one day & shared her brilliant idea of tearing down the wall that separated the guest rooms, making a bigger room just for me. I liked that idea, very much!
Looking in, here are the two guest rooms. 

Dad first started by taking down the ceiling tiles.
We successfully tore down one side of the wall.
Started on the other side. 
Once the wall was gone we had to brainstorm about the floor.
Mom was taking the quarter round & molding up before we could take the floor up.

The floor was definitely the most difficult part! Dad also had trouble rewiring the light switches & thermostat. BUT! Once those were complete, everything was easy!
Okay, that's a lie. The french doors were by hard the worst! We almost had to hire someone to do it, but with enough patience & work, Dad did it!
The doors still have to be painted, but I'm in no hurry right now.
When you walk in.

Ignore the mess in the corner. Still need to hang the curtains.
Dad was doing some work on the door & one of my picture frames (notice the bottom left corner is empty) fell & broke.

I wanted to have Before & After pictures just like on all those DIY TLC shows, but wasn't able to get pictures of the guests rooms before. 

I just love my new spaces! Before my room was even done, the twins were arguing who would get my room when I moved out. Typical. 


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Splash of Summer

Yeah I know, it's been a while. Like I said, I've been really busy this summer. 

I'm currently house sitting so I have PLENTY of time on my hands to blog. 
Today my sisters & I went swimming & took pics. 

I know, we don't always look alike...
I still like to think I'm as a pretty as they are.

I love them so much!
 I was able to finally take pictures of my room. Posting them tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No Excuse

It's a little embarrassing that I haven't been blogging since school ended. I have been SO busy there aren't words to explain. BUT! That's no excuse why I couldn't take a few minutes out of my day to relax & blog. 

So, I'm sorry for being a lazy blogging & vow to blog everyday for the next week... (I might have crossed my fingers).


Monday, April 25, 2011

Coming to an End

Taking my last final exam this afternoon. What a glorious feeling it is to almost be done!

Then, by the end of this week I will be moved home & there till I graduate! 

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter!

Mom made her famous lobster bisque for dinner! Mmmm!

I even visited my Kindergarteners Friday to help during their Easter egg hunt. What a blast!


Monday, April 18, 2011


Time for a new cover! 
Can't decide which one I want the most. 
M-Edge makes great products.

 Elizabeth David from Etsy, makes the cutest EReader Covers.

Mom would like this one.

Easter and Mother's Day are coming up. Great gift ideas. 
So many to choose from!


Saturday, April 16, 2011


Yesterday was extra special because I had semi-formal, which was basically a college-version of high school homecoming but WAY better. 

So my loyal companion & I got all dressed up to dance our hearts out.

Also! Yesterday was my last day of placement. I had been at Lanier Elementary all school year, so it was a bitter sweet feeling leaving. I will miss Lanier!

me & ally

then we headed over to Reid's for some delicious lunch. 


hope everyone is enjoying the weekend

Thursday, April 14, 2011


supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment

finally i'm able to catch my breath. my to-do list is getting compete & the semester is coming to a close. i only have days left till summer break & i'll be a SENIOR!

can't wait for my list to more like this...


Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Jam

What FUN!
Yesterday our school's Student Activities Board put together a Grease themed Spring Jam for all the students. 
leslie, me, & ally

riding the sizzler, literally the best ride!

ferris wheel

me & lauren about to ride the sizzler for the second time

this was a terrific way to start my weekend. 
hope yall have a great one too!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Obsessions

i know everyone has their little obsessions that most don't realize are obsessions, that is until someone calls you out on it...

i'm a victoria's secret shopper. i've bought many things online, stores, & through their catalogs. because i'm in college i have my own place here. i received two coupons in the mail from them just the other day. but i actually got four, because two were sent to my house in dahlonega & two were sent to my parents house [this is going somewhere i promise]. so naturally i used all four this weekend!

i managed to get all kinds of stuff for a great price!

my number one loyal companion tagged along [this took me by surprise]. at first i couldn't decide what i wanted to purchase with my two $10 off coupons. i finally decided to get underwear. he was disappointed in me. he said that i have "more underwear than he does clothes." which made me realize "yeah, you're right."

i really do have an obsession with underwear. i love victoria's secret & can honestly say that i do have a minor obsession with underwear but i think everyone should. who wouldn't be obsessed with buying sexy underwear that makes you feel good when you wear it?

what are your healthy obsessions?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What'a Week

this week was beyond words. i felt like i had so much to catch up on in school & everything else just seemed stressful. BUT finally, thursday afternoon i received the best news! me, along with the rest of the early childhood program found out where we will be completing our internships! 

YES, very exciting news. that mean i'm moving home [which i'm tickled pink about ]
i'll be at martin elementary for the year & can't wait!

as soon as we got that news ally & i raced over to the school library & did a little googlemaping. 
for all of you that can see it, it is basically a map of my house & ally's house, our intern schools & finally where we will be meeting to take classes everyday. 

this single moment had my entire week better. 

i know i said i'd post pictures of kodi's birthday. because this week was wild i never had the chance. but here they are!
kodi at camp woof. her favorite place to play. 

let me tell you what, making that cake was not easy so i improvised & made her dog treats. not all turned out great but she loved them. 

hope ya'll have wonderfully blessed weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wag More, Bark Less

this weekend will be kodi's first birthday! she's a growing girl! 

we aren't planning much... i'm making her a doggie birthday cake from her daddy & i ordered her a kong frisbee & ball from amazon. 
she's going to love them!
then we are taking her to camp woof where she gets to play with all her friends. yeah, we spoil her, but she's terribly worth it. 

mitch & i [& when i say "mitch & i", he's technically the owner. i'm just the girlfriend's owner. but because i was there to pick her out & name her she's basically mine too, & he agrees] adopted her from a local animal shelter. kodi's a german shepard & husky mix & we fell in love with her the first day we met. she was only 2 weeks old. 
puppies aren't allowed to be adopted until they're eight weeks old & we couldn't pass her up, so we visited her every week till then. 
eights weeks rolled around & we took her home. unfortunately she got sick with mange and lost a good bit of hair.

thankfully she's recovered quickly. you can tell where she lost her hair, poor thing. 

she wasn't always cute

it wasn't long before she was back to normal & growing!
this was summer 2010
 i have a special place in my heart for animals, especially dogs. kodi's been a wonderful addition to our lives. though it might seem silly, but i'm excited ecstatic about her birthday party. i just know she's going to be tickled.

these are few shots of her being the wonderful loyal companion she is.

i'll post some pictures this weekend of the party. 

remember, wag more & bark less

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twitter Patted

spring at last! i loved waking up this morning to 59 degree weather which soon turned into 80 degrees. good-bye winter coats, hello shorts & sandals

i don't know about you, but spring makes me want to plant flowers, clean my room, & eat happily. so, after class today i managed to make it to home depot where i was assaulted by hanging baskets.  

as you can see i had options. 
after getting home with two baskets in tow, i stripped my bed & washed it, vacuumed like a 50's housewife, & even bathed my precious maggie. 

hah! that's me, minus the hair, the face, & the cute little dress.

after all the labor, i cooked me a delicious pasta salad [mmm mmm good] & i'm currently waiting for my triple chocolate chunk muffins to be fully baked [like i said, eat happily]

on a side-note, i just want to say how fortunate i am to have our fellow blogger ally in my life. i just love the way she jokes with me throughout class and my everyday life.
found this on my desk.

"you can trash this for me. thanks" 
she's such a jokester & i really do love her. 

tomorrow's calling for rain. 
pulling out the rain boots & rain jacket [some of my favorite]!